Saturday 3 March 2012

Stepping Out

So - my first blog and here I am a woman on the edge of technological disaster or at the least the edge of blogging mayhem.  I thought I understood what to do and was following instructions properly but no. Somehow I skipped a page and now I don't even know if I have the profile I want. But hey ... this blog is meant to be a space where I can think out loud as I try new things and new ways.
I chose the title with a nod to Marge Piercy's novel, feeling, yes that's me on the edge of something new, the edge of change which can sometimes be exciting and sometimes, that over-used term, 'challenging'. Only after I have made my choice do I think to google the title only to find several other bloggers have also written pieces under this heading but hey they are in America and one has a book out and the other is writing about family life. So maybe I will offer something different.
But not tonight. No tonight is just to take that first step up to the edge - tonight's edge - to move into the world of online communities.

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